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South Florida’s Termite Season 

Termite season in South Florida typically coincides with the warm and humid months, which are generally from late spring through early fall. Specifically, termites are most active during the warmer months when temperatures are consistently above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels are high. This period provides optimal conditions for termite colonies to thrive and expand.

In South Florida, where the climate is subtropical, termite activity can occur year-round due to the consistently warm temperatures. However, the peak season, when termite activity is most noticeable and infestations are most likely to occur, tends to be during the spring and summer months.  The greatest exposure has been seen from March into June. 

Homeowners and property owners in South Florida should be particularly vigilant during this time and take preventive measures to protect their properties from termite infestations. This may include regular inspections, maintaining proper ventilation and moisture control, and implementing termite prevention treatments as necessary. Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of the signs of termite activity, such as mud tubes, discarded wings, or wood damage, and to seek professional assistance if an infestation is suspected.

At Florida Pest Control Center we have specially trained and licensed pest control professionals that can provide the detection of the infestations, the treatment, as well as the prevention and extermination methods needed to protect your property from termites.  Call us today at 954-945-5050

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Bird and Pigeon Control in South Florida

Controlling birds and pigeons in South Florida, or anywhere else, typically involves a combination of preventive measures, humane deterrents, and, in some cases, professional services. Here are some strategies you can consider:

Identification and Assessment:

  • Identify the specific bird species causing the issue as different birds may require different control methods.
  • Assess the extent of the problem and potential risks associated with the presence of birds.

Habitat Modification:

  • Eliminate food sources: Ensure that garbage bins are sealed, and food is not easily accessible.
  • Remove standing water: Birds are attracted to areas with water, so eliminate any stagnant water sources.

Physical Barriers:

  • Install bird spikes: These are designed to deter birds from landing on surfaces like ledges, roofs, or signs.
  • Use bird netting: Install netting to cover areas where birds roost or nest, preventing them from accessing those spaces.

Visual and Auditory Deterrents:

  • Scare devices: Visual deterrents like scarecrows or reflective objects can startle birds.
  • Ultrasonic devices: Emit sounds that are unpleasant to birds but generally inaudible to humans.


  • Chemical repellents: Some non-toxic repellents can discourage birds from roosting or nesting in specific areas.
  • Taste aversions: Apply substances with unpleasant tastes to surfaces where birds land.

Professional Services:

  • Consider hiring professional bird control services. They may use methods such as trapping, relocation, or installing more advanced deterrent systems.

Legal Considerations:

  • Be aware of local and federal laws regarding bird control, as some species are protected, and certain methods may be restricted.

Regular Maintenance:

  • Regularly inspect and maintain bird control measures to ensure their effectiveness over time.

Education and Communication:

  • Educate the community about the importance of not feeding birds, which can attract them in large numbers.
  • Communicate with neighbors and local businesses to collectively address the bird control issue.

Remember that humane and ethical approaches are essential when dealing with bird control. It’s also crucial to be aware of and comply with any applicable regulations to avoid legal issues. If the problem persists or is particularly challenging, seeking advice from a professional pest control service may be the most effective solution.

At Florida Pest Control Center we have specially trained and licensed pest control professionals that can provide the detection of the infestations, the treatment, as well as the prevention and extermination methods needed to protect your property from pests.  Call us today at 954-945-5050

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Local: 954-945-5050

What is a New Guinea Flatworm and How Dangerous is it?

The New Guinea flatworm, also known as Platydemus manokwari, is a predatory land flatworm native to New Guinea and surrounding islands. It’s an invasive species in various regions, including parts of Asia, the Pacific Islands, and some European countries.  It is considered one of the worst invasive species and it is now prevalent in South Florida.

These flatworms are concerning for a few reasons:

Predatory Nature: They prey on snails and other small invertebrates, which can disrupt local ecosystems by affecting the populations of native species.

Potential Threat to Biodiversity: Their predatory behavior can lead to a decline in native snail populations, which may have cascading effects on other organisms in the ecosystem.

Parasitic Potential: There’s also some concern about their potential to transmit parasites to humans or other animals. However, the direct danger to humans is not well-documented, and cases of harm caused by these flatworms to humans are rare.

Invasive Species Impact: They’re classified as invasive due to their ability to establish in new areas and potentially outcompete native species.

Efforts to control their spread involve monitoring their distribution and implementing measures to limit their movement to new areas. However, their impact on local ecosystems and potential threats to biodiversity continue to be areas of concern.

At Florida Pest Control Center we have specially trained and licensed pest control professionals that can provide the detection of the infestations, the treatment, as well as the prevention and extermination methods needed to protect your property from pests.  Call us today at 954-945-5050

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Local: 954-945-5050

Top 5 Ways to Prevent Rodent Activity

Preventing rodents from entering your home or building is crucial to avoid infestations and potential damage.

Here are the top five ways to keep them out:

Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or openings that rodents can use to get inside. Seal these entry points with materials like caulk, steel wool, or metal flashing. Pay attention to areas around pipes, vents, windows, and doors.

Keep the Surroundings Clean: Rodents are attracted to food sources. Store food in airtight containers, clean up spills promptly, and ensure garbage bins have tight-fitting lids. Trim vegetation and keep firewood and debris away from the house to eliminate hiding spots.

Proper Storage: Organize storage areas by using plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes. Elevate stored items off the floor and maintain a clutter-free environment to reduce potential nesting sites.

Regular Maintenance: Perform regular inspections of your home’s exterior and interior. Check for signs of rodent activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or nesting materials. Act promptly if you notice any signs of infestation.

Use Traps and Baits: Set up traps and baits strategically in areas where rodents are likely to travel, such as along walls or in attics and basements. Snap traps, live traps, and bait stations can be effective, but ensure they are placed out of reach of children and pets.

By combining these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of rodents entering your home. However, if you suspect an infestation or find it challenging to manage on your own, consider seeking assistance from a professional pest control service – Florida Pest Control Center.

At Florida Pest Control Center we have specially trained and licensed pest control professionals that can provide the detection of the infestations, the treatment, as well as the prevention and extermination methods needed to eliminate these pests for good. Call us today at 954-945-5050

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Local: 954-945-5050

Florida Winter Pest Challenges

Winter in Florida might bring relief from scorching temperatures, but it doesn’t necessarily mean an end to pest problems. While some pests become less active during the cooler months, others might seek shelter indoors, causing issues for homeowners. Here are a few pest control concerns in Florida during winter:

Rodents: Rats and mice might attempt to find warmth indoors as temperatures drop. They can squeeze through small openings and establish nests in attics, basements, or wall voids.

Cockroaches: Cockroaches are resilient and can thrive indoors year-round. They often seek shelter in warm, humid places, making Florida homes an attractive haven during winter.

Termites: While termites are generally active year-round in Florida due to the mild climate, they might become more noticeable in winter as they seek warmth and moisture in structures.

Ants: Some ant species may enter homes in search of food and warmth when temperatures drop. They can form colonies inside walls or under flooring.

Spiders: Certain spider species may seek refuge indoors during the colder months, especially in areas where they can find prey.

To prevent these pests from becoming a nuisance during the winter months:

Seal cracks and crevices: Inspect and seal any openings that pests could use to enter your home.

Maintain cleanliness: Keep your home clean, especially the kitchen, to minimize food sources that attract pests.

Declutter: Reduce clutter inside and outside your home to eliminate potential hiding spots for pests.

Store food properly: Keep food in airtight containers and promptly clean up any spills or crumbs.

Regular pest control maintenance: Consider hiring a professional pest control service for regular inspections and treatments to prevent infestations.

Despite the winter season, Florida’s mild climate means that pests can remain active throughout the year. Staying vigilant and taking preventive measures can help minimize pest-related issues during this time.

At Florida Pest Control Center we have specially trained and licensed pest control professionals that can provide the detection of the infestations, the treatment, as well as the prevention and extermination methods needed to eliminate these pests for good. Call us today at 954-945-5050

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Local: 954-945-5050

What are the Dangers of Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. While they are not known to transmit diseases to humans, their presence can still pose several dangers and problems:

Skin irritation: Bed bug bites can lead to itchy welts or rashes, which can be uncomfortable and cause itching. Some people may have allergic reactions to the bites, leading to more severe skin irritation.

Emotional and psychological distress: Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be emotionally and mentally distressing. The anxiety, stress, and paranoia associated with the presence of these pests can affect a person’s quality of life.

Disrupted sleep: Bed bugs are most active at night and feed on their hosts while they are sleeping. Their bites can lead to sleep disturbances, insomnia, and fatigue, which can affect overall well-being.

Secondary infections: Scratching bed bug bites can break the skin, making it susceptible to secondary bacterial infections. This can lead to more serious health issues.

Allergic reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to bed bug bites, which can include more severe itching, swelling, and even anaphylaxis in rare cases.

Social stigma: Having a bed bug infestation can lead to social isolation and stigmatization. People may be embarrassed to have visitors or invite others to their homes, affecting their social lives.

Financial burden: Eliminating a bed bug infestation can be expensive, involving the cost of professional pest control services, replacing infested belongings, and potentially hotel stays if the infestation is severe.

Property damage: Bed bugs can hide in various household items, such as mattresses, furniture, and electronics. Infested items may need to be discarded, leading to financial losses and property damage.

Infestation spread: Bed bugs are highly mobile and can easily spread to adjacent rooms or neighboring apartments in multi-unit buildings. Failure to address an infestation promptly can lead to the problem becoming more widespread.

Decline in quality of life: The stress and discomfort associated with a bed bug infestation can significantly reduce a person’s quality of life. The constant worry about being bitten and the need for vigilance can have a negative impact on mental and emotional well-being.

It’s essential to address a bed bug infestation promptly by seeking professional pest control services. Early intervention can help prevent these dangers and minimize the physical, emotional, and financial impact of a bed bug problem. Additionally, taking preventive measures, such as regular inspections and proper hygiene, can reduce the risk of a bed bug infestation in the first place.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) is the pest  terminator, the Florida expert in treating all types of pests.  FPCC professionals analyze and evaluate each infestation to determine the most effective treatment. 

Using the most advanced technologies to safely eliminate pests, FPCC pest control may recommend heat treatment, foam termiticide through pumps, liquid treatment through soil rods and injections, ground barriers, or a combination of these.  

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Common South Florida Fall Pests

South Florida has a warm and tropical climate throughout the year, which means that some pests can be active at various times, including the fall season. Common fall pests in South Florida may include:

Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can be a nuisance year-round in South Florida, but they can be especially prevalent in the fall due to the warm and humid conditions.

Ants: Various ant species, such as ghost ants, Argentine ants, and white-footed ants, can be active in the fall, searching for food and water.

Cockroaches: Cockroaches, including the American cockroach and the German cockroach, can be problematic during the fall months. They seek shelter indoors as the weather cools down.

Termites: Subterranean termites can remain active throughout the year in South Florida, including the fall. They can continue to damage wood structures during this time.

Flies: House flies and fruit flies can be common in the fall, especially around decaying organic matter and food sources.

Spiders: Spiders like the orb-weaver and the brown widow spider may become more visible in the fall as they build webs and search for prey.

Bees and Wasps: Various species of bees and wasps, such as yellow jackets and paper wasps, can be active in the fall and become more aggressive.

Rodents: Rats and mice can be a problem in South Florida during the fall as they seek warmth and shelter indoors.

Stinging Insects: Stinging insects like fire ants and hornets can be a concern in the fall, especially if their nests are disturbed.

Fleas and Ticks: Fleas and ticks can remain active throughout the year in South Florida, and their populations may persist into the fall.

Chiggers: Chiggers can be active in the fall, especially in grassy and wooded areas, and can cause skin irritation.

To prevent and manage these common fall pests in South Florida, it’s essential to practice good hygiene, maintain a clean living environment, seal entry points into your home, and consider professional pest control services when necessary. Additionally, using mosquito nets, screens, and repellents can help protect against mosquito-borne diseases, which are a concern in the region.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) is the pest  terminator, the Florida expert in treating all types of pests.  FPCC professionals analyze and evaluate each infestation to determine the most effective treatment. 

Using the most advanced technologies to safely eliminate pests, FPCC pest control may recommend heat treatment, foam termiticide through pumps, liquid treatment through soil rods and injections, ground barriers, or a combination of these.  

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

South Florida Bed Bug Control

Did you know?  Bed bugs are rapidly becoming one of the most important urban pests. The rapid bed bug resurgence and the predominance of insecticide-resistant strains in the U.S. have taken many pest control managers by surprise. The need for new methods for management of bed bug infestations demands urgent action by the pest management professional.

Bed bugs are small, brown bugs notorious for dwelling in beds and feeding on humans while they sleep. These bugs are not just inside your bed as they are typically found wherever people gather, including residences, hotels and resorts, offices, schools, retail centers and even public transportation.  They feed only on blood and must have regular blood meals to survive and develop. The infestations of bed bugs can occur in rooms (under carpet, behind baseboards, inside electrical outlet, etc) as well as in room contents (bed frames, mattresses, furniture, clothing, etc).

At Florida Pest Control Center, we offer comprehensive inspections for bed bugs throughout South Florida by trained bed bug inspectors that identify if you suffer from bed bugs and offer bed bug treatments with control you can count on. Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach begins with thorough MRI (multi-room inspection), proper identification, and green pest control treatments.

Bed bug treatment includes the following:

  • Detection by our certified CSI techniques
  • Vacuuming
  • Traps
  • Steam
  • Low toxicity residual pesticide applications
  • Education regarding bed bugs

Florida Pest Control Center provides a full array of bed bug control services to meet your needs and remove pests from the property.  When needed, we set up monthly bed bug inspection services for high-risk accounts like homeless shelters and hotels as well. We set up regular maintenance programs by bed bug inspectors that include thorough inspections, visual verification, and treatment when bed bugs are spotted. We offer bed bug extermination throughout Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) is the pest  terminator, the Florida expert in treating all types of pests.  FPCC professionals analyze and evaluate each infestation to determine the most effective treatment. 

Using the most advanced technologies to safely eliminate pests, FPCC pest control may recommend heat treatment, foam termiticide through pumps, liquid treatment through soil rods and injections, ground barriers, or a combination of these.  

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Are Termites Visible?

Termites are indeed visible, but their size and appearance can vary depending on their species and caste within the termite colony. Termites are small insects, typically ranging in size from about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch in length. However, some species can be larger or smaller.

The appearance of termites also varies based on their role within the colony. There are three main castes in a termite colony:

Workers: These are the most numerous caste and are responsible for tasks like building and maintaining the nest, foraging for food, and feeding other members of the colony. Worker termites are typically pale, soft-bodied insects that resemble small white or cream-colored ants.

Soldiers: These termites have larger heads and jaws compared to workers. Their primary function is to defend the colony against predators, particularly ants. Soldier termites have a similar coloration to workers, but their heads are more pronounced and often darker.

Reproductive Alates: These are the future kings and queens of the colony. They are winged termites that emerge from the colony during mating flights to start new colonies. Alates are larger than workers and soldiers and can have different coloration, often darker.

It’s worth noting that the winged reproductive termites, also known as “swarmers” or “flying termites,” are the ones most commonly seen by people when they swarm around light sources during their mating flights. These events often occur seasonally and are a key indicator of termite presence.

In summary, termites are visible, but their appearance can vary based on their species and caste within the colony. If you suspect a termite infestation, think you see termite swarmer’s, or are noticing the signs termites leave behind, Florida Pest Control Center is here to help. For more information, or to schedule termite service, reach out to us today.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) is the pest  terminator, the Florida expert in treating all types of pests.  FPCC professionals analyze and evaluate each infestation to determine the most effective treatment. 

Using the most advanced technologies to safely eliminate pests, FPCC pest control may recommend heat treatment, foam termiticide through pumps, liquid treatment through soil rods and injections, ground barriers, or a combination of these.  

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.

Common South Florida Summertime Pests

Common South Florida summertime pests include:

  1. Mosquitoes: South Florida’s warm and humid climate provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. They are most active during dawn and dusk and can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus.
  2. Palmetto Bugs (American Cockroaches): These large, reddish-brown cockroaches are commonly found in South Florida. They can be a nuisance and may enter homes in search of food and water.
  3. Fire Ants: These aggressive ants are known for their painful bites. They create large colonies in lawns and can cause damage to plants and crops.
  4. No-see-ums (Sandflies): These tiny biting insects are prevalent in coastal areas of South Florida. Their bites can be itchy and irritating.
  5. Lovebugs: Lovebugs are small black flies with a distinctive red thorax. They are often seen in large swarms during the summer months and can be a nuisance, especially when they accumulate on vehicles and surfaces.
  6. Termites: South Florida’s warm and moist climate is conducive to termite activity. These destructive insects can cause significant damage to wooden structures if left untreated.
  7. Wasps and Bees: Several species of wasps and bees are found in South Florida. While they play a crucial role in pollination, some species can be aggressive and sting if provoked.
  8. Rats and Mice: These rodents are a common pest problem throughout the year, but their activity can increase during the summer. They can invade homes in search of food and shelter.
  9. Squirrels: South Florida is home to various squirrel species, including the invasive gray squirrel. They can cause damage to property and occasionally find their way into attics or crawl spaces.
  10. Snakes: South Florida has a diverse range of snake species, including venomous snakes like the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake and the Eastern Coral Snake. They are more active during the warmer months.

It’s important to take necessary precautions and employ pest control measures to minimize the impact of these pests. Consulting with local pest control professionals can provide further guidance on effective pest management strategies.

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC)

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) is the pest  terminator, the Florida expert in treating all types of pests.  FPCC professionals analyze and evaluate each infestation to determine the most effective treatment. 

Using the most advanced technologies to safely eliminate pests, FPCC pest control may recommend heat treatment, foam termiticide through pumps, liquid treatment through soil rods and injections, ground barriers, or a combination of these.  

Florida Pest Control Center (FPCC) employs comprehensive, state-of-the art technologies, chemical, and non-chemical treatments to eliminate pest problems in residential homes, businesses, hospitals, medical facilities, group homes, and apartment and condominium buildings.  Our highly trained professionals provide a fast, complete solution to your termites, ants, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other pest infestations. 

Safe.  We use the safest treatments available.

Easy.  We make it as easy as we can on you and your family.

Effective.  Our treatments will effectively remove bed bugs from your home.